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Rules and Regulations
The academic sessions of the school will be from April to March.
The medium of instruction and expression is English. Speaking English is enforced within the school premises.
Students should attend the school regularly. They must reach at least 5 minutes before the first bell.
At the first bell all student should line up for the assembly in silence.
After each interval, all the students should move to the class immediately in silence.
Punctuality and regularity in attendance, school uniform, an earnest effort in home work, assignment and gentlemanly behaviour inside and outside the school, habits of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress are necessary for the formation of character and to create a suitable environment for learning. The school authority will therefore always insist on these points and expect full co-operation from the students and the parents.
All home works should be done neatly and regulary.
Students should observe cleanliness within the class room and out side.
Students should bring the school diary daily . Any information or request conveyed to the parents/guardians through the diary by the principal/teachers should be complied with and acknowledged.
Students are strictly prohibited to bring objectionable literature and things into the school. They are not allowed to bring transistors or tape-recorders, mobile phones and any electronic unless asked to bring by the authorities.