Dear Friends,

We the management of St. Mary's Convent School, Kanth and St. Joseph's Per-primary School, Kanth, jointly would like to inform you that no conveyance is provided for the students of our school from the side of management

The conveyance of your children is purely of your own responsibility and interest. So you are requested to look into it with utmost case; as, we notice that some of the vehicles are not up to the specifications of R.T.O.'S for students. Many of the vehicles arranged by you for your children are fueled with domestic L.P.G. cylinders which is of very dangerous and not permitted by the LAW.

You many kindly respect and follow the regulations given by the R.T.O. for the vehicles as it is pertaining to the life of our dear ones.

Keep in mind prevention is better than cure'. We earnestly request you t kindly send your children in proper vehicles so that no unpleasant events may take place in the days to come.

Fr Mukesh